Country: Poland
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34482320 (profile)
Last Record: 2 days ago
Play Time: 2.9 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. kzm_cityhops 09:28.360 01.12.2024 31 81
2. notkz_bhopcolour 08:00.805 20.11.2024 25 83
3. kreedzee_bluenight 01:11.412 23.11.2024 25 41
4. notkz_kx_bhopwater 02:05.915 23.11.2024 38 70
5. kz_j2s_summercliff_ez 02:50.610 23.11.2024 16 84
6. bhop_movementkrueppel 00:08.872 20.11.2024 75 60
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. bkz_ok 04:02.064 29.11.2024 3 3
2. nobkz_mst_honduras 27:09.692 20.11.2024 110 4
3. kzzNk_gelions 05:12.740 23.11.2024 38 8
4. nobkz_warehousehop_ez 14:16.181 23.11.2024 91 12
5. kz_kzlt_femtobhop 05:48.622 29.11.2024 7 4