edZika <kz.random>
edZika <kz.random>
Country: Russia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171729251 (profile)
Last Record: yesterday
Play Time: 2.0 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. cd_bhop 06:54.403 30.08.2024 17 70
2. kzfr_bk_bhopblock 01:54.152 27.09.2024 9 28
3. ksz_roundlevels 03:40.247 30.09.2024 11 63
4. bhop_platinum 01:47.415 27.09.2024 21 23
5. carg_autumn 01:41.953 30.09.2024 16 66
6. kzsca_mc_diamondquest 03:55.920 30.12.2024 18 71
7. asb_sims 00:44.212 29.08.2024 24 47
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. bkz_abstract 03:32.056 27.09.2024 21 1
2. kzfr_bk_bhopblock 01:52.179 27.09.2024 1 1
3. nobkz_mst_speedmix 12:59.643 27.09.2024 39 1
4. sp1_fragments1 03:16.919 27.09.2024 15 2
5. speed_ytt_castle 02:25.973 11.10.2024 5 6
6. kz_adventure2 08:54.614 27.09.2024 50 1
7. ksz_beginner_girl 03:14.764 27.09.2024 5 2