Country: Czechia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130796140 (profile)
Last Record: 3 months ago
Play Time: 2.6 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. b2j_g0ldwalk 02:19.526 16.09.2024 69 73
2. kreedzee_goldclimb 00:28.571 03.07.2024 21 41
3. bhop_egypt_hops 02:01.361 03.07.2024 38 64
4. sl_f1rstmap 02:14.683 01.07.2024 21 69
5. kzex_egyptianjourney 06:28.966 01.07.2024 9 80
6. bhop_minimountain 00:17.217 01.07.2024 70 96
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. smkz_stonetower 03:08.534 02.07.2024 18 1
2. cray_jariktun 06:27.877 03.07.2024 24 3
3. bhop_grblor_v2 03:57.491 02.07.2024 2 7
4. bkz_ok 04:39.362 02.07.2024 13 7
5. malle_hb_smk1337 04:06.569 25.06.2024 22 9
6. bhop_cave3 05:56.153 06.09.2024 17 11
7. kreedzee_goldclimb 00:31.425 03.07.2024 2 1
8. kzlu_easybhop 02:50.048 06.09.2024 7 5
9. mls_pcm_frozenvalley 03:52.937 25.07.2024 8 5
10. hnslt_cliffmania 04:18.182 02.07.2024 18 6
11. kzex_egyptianjourney 06:44.199 01.07.2024 53 8