Country: Latvia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81111847 (profile)
Last Record: 9 months ago
Play Time: 1.7 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. kztt_dustbhop 00:12.217 26.03.2024 40 50
2. cg_coldbhop_v2 01:22.694 25.03.2024 59 55
3. kzm_fatalisbhop 02:48.456 26.03.2024 48 92
4. tirion_concretebhop 00:39.588 24.03.2024 46 94
5. kzbg_bhopbarrels 00:32.040 24.03.2024 55 96
6. bhop_movementkrueppel 00:09.401 26.03.2024 90 72
7. hm_timeattack 00:06.360 24.03.2024 53 80
8. slide_kzfr_desert 00:19.649 18.03.2024 46 92
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place