boro pуrvi
boro pуrvi
Country: Bulgaria
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:506309873 (profile)
Last Record: 3 days ago
Play Time: 13.8 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. hama_bricksv2 04:49.824 10.04.2024 7 41
2. ins_cjskills 04:30.000 15.09.2024 9 50
3. slide_svn_longslides 07:34.639 09.04.2024 2 -
4. cd_bhop 02:54.254 25.09.2024 6 23
5. slide_pre_jumpsrun 02:27.406 07.05.2024 2 -
6. six_cbblebhop 01:27.998 27.10.2024 4 8
7. kz_kzse_dustbhop 02:09.632 23.10.2024 3 10
8. slide_fufu_reef 01:06.930 25.04.2024 2 11
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. ffy_colorblock_h 106:54.512 02.04.2024 2286 1
2. cd_dacaigou_v2 11:30.927 10.12.2024 227 2
3. ins_lab_h 36:04.405 22.12.2024 991 6
4. ffy_kenzo 08:42.068 18.09.2024 154 2
5. hb_qbig_ez 07:30.315 12.04.2024 105 2
6. 5oXen_hb_QingC 11:18.308 19.10.2024 178 3
7. abu_light 08:30.514 26.04.2024 122 3
8. cd_hb_J1ngbaby 08:53.509 07.12.2024 173 3
9. mojito_brick 22:01.307 25.11.2024 581 3
10. qcg_arid 16:03.212 28.12.2024 331 4
11. JKR_ZuoDieBl0ck_v2_h 11:27.046 23.12.2024 192 5
12. mojito_hb_paslalala_ez 36:20.949 23.12.2024 734 5
13. kzblt_dx_blueshadow2 16:34.019 05.04.2024 245 6
14. v4r_sneg 10:56.394 22.04.2024 1 2
15. ccn_wizard_tower 06:29.884 19.11.2024 81 3