llazar insilio <KZRE>
llazar insilio <KZRE>
Country: Serbia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:422173145 (profile)
Last Record: 4 months ago
Play Time: 21.1 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. soe_stylobhop 00:49.615 02.08.2024 2 3
2. kzarg_slide_facility 00:55.512 06.08.2024 2 4
3. vLy_fastbhop 00:14.481 14.07.2024 5 11
4. cosy_springblock 02:14.501 07.08.2024 3 9
5. er92_speedtest 01:32.152 06.08.2024 3 10
6. hm_downbhop 00:59.512 23.07.2024 6 11
7. kzblt_zigzaghop 02:48.437 08.08.2024 9 45
8. b2j_bhopward 01:10.868 06.08.2024 5 7
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. gbc_hb_hoLy 13:43.436 08.07.2024 299 1
2. hama_bhopp 11:43.626 29.07.2024 109 1
3. vLy_fastbhop 00:21.565 14.07.2024 1 3
4. kzblt_zigzaghop 03:54.371 08.08.2024 7 3
5. cosy_springblock 03:07.838 07.08.2024 9 6
6. b2j_bhopward 01:39.132 06.08.2024 2 5