Country: Russia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:108686055 (profile)
Last Record: 1 week ago
Play Time: 4.3 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. int_bhopguada_e 03:04.800 16.12.2023 7 32
2. mls_greenstyle_bh 01:27.359 27.03.2024 3 9
3. jagkz_natal 01:25.164 22.12.2024 11 25
4. dyd_xmas2022 01:29.230 22.12.2024 6 56
5. kz_navidad 04:33.769 22.12.2024 2 -
6. etl_stageblock 01:25.638 09.04.2024 2 8
7. kz_j2s_icevalley 03:59.151 22.12.2024 6 24
8. kzra_wayvez 00:06.006 04.10.2024 14 47
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. dyd_strafejumps_h 02:13.396 26.03.2024 39 4
2. kz_kzdk_delianshop 03:08.219 22.12.2024 6 5
3. dyd_xmas2022 01:32.846 22.12.2024 1 2
4. kz_navidad 04:44.588 22.12.2024 10 4
5. etl_stageblock 01:31.902 09.04.2024 1 1
6. kz_j2s_icevalley 04:02.987 22.12.2024 13 2
7. cobkz_run_old 01:21.051 12.04.2024 21 3