Running Rock.
Running Rock.
Country: Morocco
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:2873936 (profile)
Last Record: 1 month ago
Play Time: 14.9 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. kz_lain 02:28.206 11.10.2024 13 28
2. bhop_aeonflux 01:29.457 08.09.2024 22 78
3. kzp_sepulchre 04:18.747 08.09.2024 23 85
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. fu_plainhop2_ez 16:37.658 11.11.2024 208 10
2. fu_plainhop 48:55.943 24.09.2024 585 12
3. fu_darkhop 07:06.334 02.10.2024 3 1
4. 5oXen_vvn1ght_v25 03:57.159 19.09.2024 22 5
5. bkz_lost 03:58.580 09.11.2024 19 5
6. hama_timberbhop 10:13.471 13.09.2024 68 7
7. kzcn_thy_Photobhop 37:14.090 30.07.2024 441 9
8. ty_zavod 06:40.995 02.10.2024 82 10
9. kz_lain 02:49.457 11.10.2024 4 1
10. srg_naturebhop_fixed 02:17.969 13.10.2024 2 1
11. bhop_c21 43:13.018 16.09.2024 112 3
12. kz_nobkz_factoryrun 06:37.904 05.11.2024 25 3
13. kzcn_thy_5cbhop 04:35.428 16.09.2024 24 4
14. vcn_mc_bhop_ez 05:34.449 18.09.2024 6 4
15. bhop_aeonflux 01:39.680 16.09.2024 13 5
16. kz_dirtblock_hard 28:14.798 28.10.2024 361 5
17. pixelhop 16:31.462 09.11.2024 201 6
18. rush_stones 07:34.471 07.10.2024 46 9
19. cg_arizonabhop 04:07.347 03.10.2024 29 10
20. agami_street 02:05.632 07.10.2024 37 14
21. bhop_arxdukz 05:52.677 24.09.2024 59 15
22. kzlt_rainhop 06:40.978 03.10.2024 44 17