Country: Uzbekistan
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56777063 (profile)
Last Record: yesterday
Play Time: 2.6 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. kz_lain 03:17.020 17.11.2024 25 60
2. bhop_radmaf 04:21.600 16.11.2024 32 74
3. kzcn_hopdown 05:33.608 07.08.2024 45 83
4. bhop_longway 00:45.381 07.08.2024 21 30
5. kzas_techbhop 00:20.510 16.11.2024 32 30
6. kzarg_challenge_bhop 00:48.052 20.11.2024 39 46
7. cypress_feretory 01:05.177 20.11.2024 60 73
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. kzcn_bhop 06:57.252 08.08.2024 40 4
2. sl_spd1 02:57.094 12.08.2024 35 4
3. rush_boredom 04:25.584 07.08.2024 24 4
4. kzlt_rainhop 05:03.634 06.08.2024 25 13
5. daza_cobkz_inducility 06:54.466 06.08.2024 17 10