Buggajayjay ツ
Buggajayjay ツ
Country: Australia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51793044 (profile)
Last Record: yesterday
Play Time: 12.4 hours

This player has not completed 10 maps with the Pro Run to display the Player Insights!

Pro Top Runs
# Map Time Date Place Avg.
1. hama_timberbhop 15:20.277 24.12.2024 13 100
Noob Top Runs
# Map Time Date GC Place
1. kz_cxg_jekyll 28:25.787 28.12.2024 471 4
2. mto_desolate_h 31:35.583 15.12.2024 405 4
3. mad_metalconstruction 12:59.303 17.12.2024 200 13
4. qsk_qube 52:43.661 23.12.2024 860 5
5. mls_long 09:43.129 28.12.2024 116 6
6. kzsca_dawn 13:20.556 16.12.2024 134 8
7. kzno_xtremeblock 05:28.367 30.12.2024 67 16
8. chk_luna 15:51.572 22.12.2024 148 9
9. cosy_dustblock 25:57.311 22.12.2024 210 10
10. kz_kzsca_heaven2 05:30.004 24.12.2024 34 10